Elizabeth Pantley - The No-Cry Nap Solution
Adica solutie fara lacrimi pentru somnurile de zi. O carte minunata, ieri am citit-o jumatate, 135 de pagini, e foarte faina si usor de citit. Nu stiu daca imi va rezolva problemele, dar important e ca a fost o lectura frumoasa.
As vrea candva sa incep seria de recomandari pentru gravidute si mamici, si as putea sa includ si cartea asta la recomandari. Pentru ca se poate citi si inainte de a avea un pui, din doua motive: sa stii ce greseli sa nu faci cu ei (pentru ca se poate gresi usor si devreme) si sa stii ca sunt normale unele compromisuri.
Voi da cateva citate de la inceput, legate de somnurile de zi, de fapt despre importanta lor. Apoi in alta postare probabil ca voi da alte detalii, cartea e tare faina.
Ca o paranteza, ieri a luat o firimitura de mango. Asa ca ne marim lista alimentelor consumate!
Many children will drift off to sleep easily when they are tired or if they are overwhelmed with sensory impressions. Others are resistant. They may need excessive assistance from a parent. They may be unable to tune out distractions. They may not want to miss out on “all the fun,” or they may not want to feel that they are being treated like a “baby.” Some children are extremely sensitive to touch, irritation on their skin, or the slightest noise. Yet others find the issue of taking a nap to be a great way to assert their independence and resistance to our authority. Every child is different, and every family faces a unique set of challenges.
Sleep is as essential to life as is breathing, eating, and drinking. It is absolutely critical to human existence. Our children’s bodies do not shut down when they sleep. Sleep is not like turning off a computer. It is a time when energy is restored, bodily functions are renovated, and damaged tissues are repaired. When children sleep, hormones (especially those related to growth) are secreted, breathing and the heart are controlled, the functions of organs continue, memories are stored, and dreams occur. When children don’t sleep, or don’t sleep enough, many things can go wrong. Examples include being so sleepy that they cannot learn or
function normally, or having abnormal hormone function, which may predispose them to obesity and diabetes. At a minimum, a shortage of proper sleep can cause a disruption to mood and behavior.
(ei? parca incep sa vad motivele faptului ca Alex e mai marait...)
Naps take only a few hours of time, but they shape all twentyfour hours of your child’s day. The quality and quantity of your child’s naps influence his mood, behavior, health, and brain development. Naps can affect how cheerful your child is when she wakes up in the morning, whether or not she whines, fusses, and has tantrums all day, and how easily she’ll go to bed at night. An appropriate nap schedule is a vital component for your child’s healthy, happy life. When you consider all of this, you’ll understand that your child’s naps—or lack of naps—can affect all twenty-four hours of your day as well as your child’s.
A nap is a miraculous, life-enhancing activity. A nap can transform a crying, fussing baby into a cooing, smiling delight. A nap can convert a cranky, whiny child into a happier, healthier, and more adaptable little person. A nap can rescue a grouchy, moody parent and allow the loving mom or dad to reappear. Naps are
magical breaks in the day that rejuvenate the entire family.
Naps are a biological necessity. Children have natural dips in energy during the day, even after a full night’s sleep. A lack of response to this natural craving for rest results in a biological misfiring that leads to behavioral, emotional, and physical problems.
Naps that correspond with energy dips allow the body and mind to function properly.
- Naps reduce the day’s fussiness, whining, and tantrums. A midday nap enables the body to release cortisol and other hormones that combat stress and tension. Without the release of these hormones, they build to uncontrollable levels and create inner
pressure that erupts as unpleasant behavior. Children who do not get enough sleep have difficulty controlling their emotions. Highneed children or those with more intense, active personalities can have an exaggerated effect from sleep shortages. Daily naps can be a lifeline for them and their families.
- Naps increase learning capacity for babies. Babies who have adequate naps spend more of their waking hours in a relaxed, alert condition. They learn more, they enjoy life more, and their parents are provided with added quality time for engaging, teaching, and bonding with their babies.
- Naps fill gaps from poor nighttime sleep. Napping can help a child recover from problems in the prior night’s sleep. Any shortage of night sleep is damaging to your child’s health and behavior, so naps are a critically important way for children to make up for less than a perfect night’s sleep. Surprisingly, children who do sleep well at night receive as much benefit from naps as their night-waking peers, since nap sleep is different from night sleep in its configuration of sleep cycles and in its effect on a child’s health and behavior. Extra night sleep doesn’t achieve the same results as a good night’s sleep plus naps.
- Naps improve a child’s mood. A child is typically happier following a daytime snooze, which is as good for the parent as it is for the child. Naptime can stabilize a child’s mood over the course of the day, eliminating the frustrating highs and lows of mood swings and crankiness.
- Naps improve brain development. Adequate sleep is crucial to proper brain development. Napping plays a role in learning by helping to convert new information into a permanent place in the memory. Naps allow a child midday pauses to store new information and make room for the remainder of the day’s learning. Sufficient sleep is also thought to help young brains develop the ability to achieve high levels of abstract thinking.
- Naps improve the bedtime routine. A child who needs a nap but doesn’t get one will get overtired throughout the day yet become hyperactive and resist the idea of bedtime when it arrives. An overtired child may find it difficult to fall asleep at bedtime.
- Naps increase attention span. Children who nap have longer attention spans and are better able to absorb new information. Conversely, children who lack appropriate sleep tend to be less focused, so much so that researchers believe that over 20 percent of children diagnosed with hyperactivity disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are actually suffering from sleep disorders.
- Naps ensure proper growth and development. Growth hormone is released during deep sleep, and children who sleep well are assured their necessary sleep-assisted growth. Naps provide a child’s body with downtime needed for rejuvenation and repair.
Naps also fuel the dramatic developmental surges that occur when children learn to master major physical and mental milestones.
- Children’s naps give caregivers a needed break. No matter how much they love and adore them, adults sometimes need their little ones to nap just as much as their children need the nap. During naptime, caregivers can reenergize, do a few things
for themselves, or handle tasks that cannot be done when tending to children. A nap break relieves adult stress and assures that caregivers can enjoy their little nappers more when they wake up.
- Naps are beneficial for people of all ages. There is no time when your child must—or should—give up naps. Naps are healthy for all human beings.
Researchers at the University of Michigan found that third graders need a minimum of nine hours and forty-five minutes of sleep each night to lower their risk of obesity. Sleeping more than this minimum amount lowered their risk even more—by
up to 40 percent. “The less sleep they got, the more likely the children were to be obese in sixth grade, no matter what the child’s weight was in third grade,” said Dr. Julie Lumeng, who led the research.
A sleep study completed by Dr. Avi Sadeh at Tel Aviv University demonstrated that
even a one-hour shortage in appropriate sleep time will compromise a child’s alertness and brain functioning and increase fatigue. Dr. William C. Dement, known as the world’s leading authority on sleep, takes that one step further and says, “. . . the effects of delaying bedtime by even half an hour can be subtle and pernicious [very destructive].”
Acum 2 săptămâni
Sa stii ca m-am gandit mult la voi azi. Ai facut fata eroic pana acum ritmului asta si cred ca inca mai ai multe idei de incercat. N-as vrea sa te sacai cu ale mele, dar ma gandesc ca poate poti gasi ceva util. E clar ca Alex e un pici tare activ si interesat de tot ceea ce se intampla in jur. Asa ca poate ca plimbatul in casa il opreste din plans si agitatie pentru ca ii ofera elemente in miscare, senzatii noi care ii distrag atentia, dar il si obosesc mai mult. Ai putea incerca un fel de deprivare senzoriala, adica sa creezi un mediu foarte plictisitor, in care nimic sa nu-i atraga atentia: perdelele trase, lumina la minimum in timpul zilei (noaptea deloc), fara muzica, fara prea multe jucarii (paote doar una cu care sa-l obisnuiesti ca obiect tranzitoriu), fara sa-i vorbesti daca nu e cazul, doar sa-i zambesti si sa-l mangai linistitor. Ceva de genul asta. Asa incat atunci cand intra in mediul asta sa stie ca nimic interesant nu se va mai intampla asa ca ar putea la fel de bine sa adoarma fiindca nu e nimic altceva de facut.
RăspundețiȘtergereFoarte interesanta treaba cu nap-urile (nimic nou de altfel) si trista...mai ales pt cei care nu reusesc sa-si 'convinga' copiii sa doarma nitel mai mult ziua...Si noi avem problema asta,doarme putin, se trezeste dupa 30min, cu interventii poate mai doarme inca 30...rar prinde un somn mai lung, sa-i ajunga toata ziua :( Nasol. Sunt convinsa ca e o problema mare si nici eu nu stiu cum sa o managuiesc, ca sa zic asa. Unde ai gasit cartea asta pe net? Can you share it? :)
RăspundețiȘtergereBia, asa zice si tipa asta, ca trebuie sa faci lucruri calme cu ei si putin plictisitoare inainte de somn... Eu de azi am inceput sa introduc tot felul de ritualuri. Incerc sa-l tin in camera, il pun in pat sa ii citesc povesti, sa il masez, sa il mangai. Si el plange sa-l las pe jos. Pe jos plange sa-i deschid usa si gata atmosfera mea calma. Dar mai incerc... Incerc orice pana la faza in care ma voi aseza langa el si vom plange amandoi pana la epuizare. Problema e ca nu mai e mult pana acolo...
RăspundețiȘtergereDana, imi pare tare rau ca si voi treceti prin asta. Vorba autoarei, nici noi nu apucam sa ne reincarcam bateriile ca sa le facem fata... O am pdf, unde sa ti-o trimit?
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RăspundețiȘtergere:) am trimis