Am ajuns apoi in carte la un tabel in care trebuia eu sa vad cat trebuie sa doarma Alex la 1 an:
Numar de somnuri ziua: 1-2 - buuunnn, avem doua si se vede clar dupa oboseala ca are nevoie de amandoua
Totalul de ore dormite ziua: 2-3 - se mai intampla cateodata si minuni din astea, dar in general doarme doua somnuri de cate o jumatate de ora, deci o ora in total
Numarul de ore in care un copil de un an rezista intre somnuri: 3-4 - aici tot am stat si am socotit si ma miram eu cum de imi ies intre trezirea de dimineata si primul somn, si apoi si intre primul somn si al doilea. Si nu intelegeam cum se poate asta daca sunt asa scurte, si mai ales daca Alex se vede ca e obosit. Ca apoi sa vad ca intre al doilea somn si cel de noapte la noi sunt vreo 5-6-7 ore. Pentru ca noi nu ne incadram deloc la somnul de noapte, adoarme foarte tarziu si se trezeste devreme...
Numarul de ore dormite noaptea: 11 1/2 - 12 - la noi sunt de obicei 7, uneori 8. Si cat as vrea eu ca daca tot nu reusesc sa-l culc decat la 23-24, sa doarma dimineata pana tarziu...
Numarul total de ore de somn zi+noapte: 13 1/2 - 14 - la noi sunt in 90% din cazuri 8 ore! Se intampla si minuni sa doarma in total pe zi 12 ore, dar asta ar fi un maxim pe care il atinge foarte foarte rar!
Deci am descoperit ca avem o problema, si de aici ar putea veni toate tantrumurile lui si toti nervii. Si chiar si faptul ca-l adorm asa de greu, de obosit ce e.
Ne explica apoi cartea etapele somnului: (nu pun ghilimele, ca acolo sunt sub forma de tabel, dar e luat cuvant cu cuvant)
Stage of Sleep: Presleep
Stage of Sleep Description: Drowsy
Depth of Sleep: Depending on conditions, can move into Stage 1 or get a second wind and become wide awake
Physical and Mental States/Processes: Relaxed
Stage of Sleep: Stage 1
Stage of Sleep Description: Drifting off, very light sleep
Depth of Sleep: Falling asleep, easily awakened
Physical and Mental States/Processes: Floating sensation, relaxed muscles; slower heart rate and breathing; body may make a sudden jerking motion
Stage of Sleep: Stage 2
Stage of Sleep Description: Light to moderate sleep
Depth of Sleep: Easily awakened
Physical and Mental States/Processes: Regular, relaxed breathing; preparing to enter deep sleep
Stage of Sleep: Stage 3
Stage of Sleep Description: Deep sleep
Depth of Sleep: Difficult to awaken
Physical and Mental States/Processes: Regular, relaxed breathing; bed-wetting, night terrors, sleepwalking, or sleep talking may occur
Stage of Sleep: Stage 4
Stage of Sleep Description: Deepest sleep
Depth of Sleep: Very difficult to awaken; groggy or disoriented when awakened
Physical and Mental States/Processes: Slow and regular breathing; no muscle activity; bed-wetting, night terrors, sleepwalking, or sleep talking may occur
Stage of Sleep: REM stage
Stage of Sleep Description: Dreaming
Depth of Sleep: May be easy or difficult to awaken
Physical and Mental States/Processes: Large muscles immobile; small muscles twitch; heart and breathing rates increase; eyes move quickly (REM stands for rapid eye movement)
Stage of Sleep: Sleep inertia
Stage of Sleep Description: Awakening
Depth of Sleep: The transition between sleep and complete wakefulness; may fall back to sleep or wake up fully
Physical and Mental States/Processes: May act groggy, disoriented, or confused; reaction time and performance can be hindered
Note: Each of the first four stages of sleep lasts from 5 to 15 minutes, and a complete cycle of the five stages of sleep takes between 90 and 120 minutes. Stages 2 and 3 actually repeat backward before dreaming sleep is entered, so the sleep cycle actually looks like this: Drowsy, Stage 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, REM—continuing by alternating between REM and non-REM sleep in a cyclical pattern. Infants can fall asleep directly into REM sleep. Infant sleep cycles last approximately 40 to 60 minutes.
If your child’s naps are shorter than an hour and a half in length, you might suspect that these catnaps aren’t meeting your child’s sleep needs—and you would be right. A short nap takes the edge off but doesn’t offer the physical and mental nourishment that a longer nap provides.
Eu ramasesem cu ideea de cand era bebe ca un ciclu de somn are 45 de minute si eram sigura ca el nu stie sa treaca intr-un nou ciclu. Dar acum vad ca de fapt el nici nu face un ciclu complet de 90-120 de minute. Si asta are repercusiuni nu numai in starea psihica a lui de moment, dar si in dezvoltarea fizica, psihica si intelectuala.
Tot in cartea asta am citit ca fiecare etapa a somnului ii aduce alte beneficii, ca si cum ar primi niste cadouri magice la fiecare stadiu. Daca nu ajunge in fiecare stadiu pierde acele cadouri magice... Aici avem beneficiile fiecarei etape a somnului:
Stage 1: 5 to 15 minutes - Prepares body for sleep; Reduces feelings of sleepiness
Stage 2: 5 to 15 minutes - Increases alertness; Improves motor skills; Stabilizes mood; Slightly reduces homeostatic sleep pressure
Stage 3 5 to 15 minutes - Strengthens memory and immune system; Releases growth hormone; Repairs bones, tissues, and muscles; Regulates appetite; Releases stress and restores energy; Reduces homeostatic sleep pressure
Stage 4: 5 to 15 minutes - Same benefits as Stage 3, but enhanced
Return to Stage 3: 3 to 10 minutes - Same as Stage 3 above
Return to Stage 2: 3 to 10 minutes - Same as Stage 2 above
First REM stage: 9 to 30 minutes - Transfers short-term memory to long-term; Secures new learning; Enhances brain connections; Sharpens visual and perceptual skills; Processes emotions and relieves stress; Inspires creativity and boosts energy; Reduces homeostatic sleep pressure
Stage 2: 5 to 15 minutes - Same as Stage 2 above
Stage 3: 5 to 15 minutes - Same as Stage 3 above
Stage 4: 5 to 15 minutes - Same as Stage 4 above
Stage 3: 5 to 15 minutes - Same as Stage 3 above
Stage 2: 5 to 15 minutes - Same as Stage 2 above
Second REM stage: 20 to 60 minutes - Same as REM stage above
Mai multe in alt episod :D.
Edit: vad ca imi apare postarea ca fiind de vineri pentru ca am inceput de ieri sa scriu la ea...
Acum 2 săptămâni
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